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Today in Montpelier

Together Again: Supporting Community through Downtown Event Grants 

March 24, 2022

Montpelier Alive recognizes the importance of festivals and events, and how embedded they are in community life here. One way that we support these events is through our Downtown Event Grant Program.

New Horizons for Bailey Road

March 03, 2022

Montpelier Alive loves watching businesses build from the ground up. We remember when Bailey Road first opened, and it has been wonderful to see the business grow. We recently supported Bailey Road with a grant through our Welcome to Montpelier Program to support new and expanding Montpelier businesses. Here, Sarah DeFelice tells us a little more about Bailey Road’s journey, and the new vision she has for her expanding store.

A Place to Stay

March 03, 2022

Montpelier, nestled into the heart of Vermont amidst the Green Mountains and at the convergence of three rivers including the notable Winooski, is a quaint gem of a town.  Montpelier is the smallest Capital in the Nation, with the vibrancy of a bustling city.  Known for its abundance of restaurants and cafes, and weekend family-friendly community events, Montpelier radiates activity.  

March for Meals: The 50th anniversary and celebration of the Meals on Wheels program, A lifeline for many Vermonters

March 03, 2022

According to the Vermont Foodbank, one in seven Vermonters are struggling with food insecurity. The rugged rural beauty that defines Vermont can make it a challenging place to live for older adults, who often struggle with transportation. The isolating nature of rural living can make it hard to even determine who is in need. Meals on Wheels is a lifeline for these home-bound seniors.