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Today in Montpelier

Member Highlight - Jasmine Boucher of Guare and Sons

May 28, 2024

Tell us about the history of Guare and Sons The Guare family funeral business has been a part of the history of Montpelier for more than one hundred years. It is one of the longest-running family businesses known in Montpelier. In 1921 Thomas and Florence Guare purchased the Frank E. Hall Funeral Home which was located on East State Street in Montpelier. Mr. Guare also opened an office located in what was known as the Tomasi block in Montpelier. Thomas and Florence Guare purchased a property in 1924 located on 57 Barre Street in Montpelier. They renovated the first floor to serve as a funeral home. Thomas Guare was assisted by

Montpelier's Race Against Racism

May 24, 2024

Montpelier’s Race Against Racism 

Almost every year for the past decade, Montpelier-area high schoolers organize a phenomenal event that supports and fosters local student activism. According to Heather McLane, Community Based Learning Advisor at Montpelier High School, what began as the humble idea of freshman Hope Petraro and adult activist Henry Harris has evolved into an annual staple for the local community and even state-wide. The goal of Race Against Racism is to strengthen and amplify the crucial conversation surrounding racial justice in Vermont, and to strengthen the idea that change is now. It strives to provide an opportunity for the community to come together to listen to the voices of people of color in our state, in order to learn, grow, and support one another.

A Bright Winter for Montpelier

May 20, 2024

A Bright Winter for Montpelier

By: Sheena Khan (Marketing & Communications Manager for Montpelier Alive)

Montpelier Alive has big plans this winter! Thanks to some successful grant writing and crowdfunding, we will be able to complete Phase 1 of our ambitious Bridge Illumination Project. The Bridge Illumination Project will artfully light up to seven of Montpelier’s downtown bridges, connecting neighborhoods to each other and the commercial center. Montpelier Alive is currently installing the necessary electric infrastructure on seven historic bridges and this winter will light the School Street, Langdon Street, Bailey Avenue and Rialto Bridges!

Montpelier Alive Announces its 2024 Downtown Event Grant Awards

May 14, 2024

Montpelier Alive awards announces its 2024 grant funding to 10 downtown Montpelier Community Events   Montpelier Alive works to create a vibrant and livable Montpelier by celebrating its heart and soul: its downtown. One way it brings the community together is through events. Montpelier Alive’s annual Downtown Events Grant Program supports many of these events and is announcing its ten 2024 grant awardees.   The 2024 recipients are: All Together Now, All Species Day; Good Beginnings of Central Vermont, It Takes a Village; the Monteverdi Music School, Make Music Day; Montpelier Roxbury Public Schools Race, Against Racism; Pride Center of Vermont, Montpelier Pride Fest;

Member Highlight - Paul Richardson of Storyworkz

May 13, 2024

What is StoryWorkz and what services do you provide?
 We founded the company 34 years ago, in 1990, and we help companies (and nonprofits) of all sizes grow through story-based marketing.  We are a collaborative of about a dozen fun and experienced marketing professionals who do everything from photo and video to social media, from web development and graphic design to wordsmithing and branding. We essentially help our clients weave together all the things they need to do for marketing and branding and putting their best face forward. Within this collaborative I handle the photo/video stuff, as well as general project management. So, I

Member Highlight: Deborah Glottmann of The Mitzvah Fund

May 07, 2024

Member Highlight: Deborah Glottmann of the Mitzvah Fund   What is the Mitzvah Fund and how did it get started? The Mitzvah Fund is a small veterinary non profit. We provide non emergency routine, surgical and dental veterinary care for the animals of low income seniors, low income veterans, unhoused neighbors, and disabled first responders.     The Mitzvah fund started in 2006. Our co- founders dad used to ask every night at dinner what mitzvahs did you do today. He was an immigrant and very serious about giving back to his community and deeply instilled that mission into all three of his kids. Upon

Member Highlight: Dr. Mel Houser of All Brains Belong

May 01, 2024

Member Highlight: All Brains Belong Tell Us about All Brains Belong.  All Brains Belong is a nonprofit in downtown Montpelier that provides flexible ways to get healthcare and connect with community, while also educating the community on how to become a more welcoming place for all brains. We call it “All Brains Belong” because we believe that no matter how someone’s mind or brain works, they deserve access to high quality medical care, community, education, and employment support.    How did you get started? Like many people, the early days of the COVID pandemic made it painfully obvious that I needed to change the way